WZO supports the “Plant A Tree” project

Wzo Plant A Tree

The World Zoroastrian Organisation is pleased to announce its sponsorship of the “PLANT A TREE” program, the first initiative of the new Zoroastrian Eco Group launched on World Earth Day 2021. 

Traditionally, to celebrate the birth of a child or to commemorate the life a beloved deceased member of the family, Zoroastrians would plant a tree. This tradition was maintained through generations of Zoroastrians and still is common-place within some communities. At a time when we are all aware of the positive impact trees have on our environment, we believe that this is a beautiful, ecologically sound way of putting the philosophy of Zoroaster into practise. By planting a tree, not only do we capture harmful CO2 from the environment, but we also create a long-lasting benefit to the Earth and all life on it.

 The World Zoroastrian Organisation is sponsoring the Plant A Tree project to offer a fruit bearing tree for every child born into a Zoroastrian household and an evergreen tree for every Zoroastrian family who would like to commemorate a lost loved one. 

For more information please visit www.facebook.com/groups/zoroecogroup/

If you would like to apply for a tree to plant in your garden or on your balcony please contact tushna.ghadially@w-z-o.org or shahinbekhradnia@hotmail.com at the Zoroastrian Eco Group.

* Please note that we are currently only able to offer trees to families based in the UK but we hope to be able to roll the project out to other countries very soon.*

We hope that this project will revive a tradition amongst all Zoroastrians as it is a lovely custom and very appropriate for the times we live in.